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3 Difference between Web Server vs Application Server vs Servlet Containers - Apache vs JBoss vs Tomcat

In the Java EE, or J2EE or JEE world, there is a lot of confusion between terminology, which is quite evident that now we have three words (J2EE, Java EE, and JEE) to describe the same technology platform. You will see Java developers using the terms like Web Server, Application Server, and Servlet containers interchangeably but they are not exactly the same. The main difference between a Web server and an application server is that a web server is meant to serve static pages like HTML and CSS, while an Application Server is responsible for generating dynamic content by executing server-side code like JSP, Servlet, or EJB.

Top 10 Microservices Design Principles with Examples

Hello guys, today's world is about Microservices because Microservices goes hand-in-hand with Cloud Computing. They are designed better to run on Cloud Computing. Since all new Software development is most likely going to happen cloud-native, it's important for developers to learn about Microservices, particularly Java developers. To help with that, I have shared best Microservices courses and books in the past as well as 10 Microservices design patterns and in this article, I am going to share 10 common Microservices design principles. If you are wondering what is difference between patterns and principles? 

10 Examples of Comparator, Comparable, and Sorting in Java 8

Hello guys, the Comparator class is used to provide code or logic for comparing objects in Java, while sorting a list of objects or a collection of objects. It's close cousin of Comparable which provides natural order sorting e.g. ascending and descending orders for numbers like int, short, long or float, and lexicographic order for String i.e. the order on which words are arranged in dictionaries. The Comparators are used while sorting arrays, lists and collections. You pass logic to compare objects and sorting methods like Collections.sort() use that logic to compare elements until they are arranged in sorted order. 

How to Convert String to LocalDate, LocalTime, LocalDateTime and ZonedDateTime in Java? Example Tutorial

The JDK 8 added a new Date and Time API (JSR 310) which introduces new date and time classes like LocalDateLocalTime, LocalDateTime, and ZonedDateTime. Now, if you have a String e.g. "2016-12-14 03:30" then how do parse it to LocalDate, LocalTime, LocalDateTime and ZonedDateTime? Similarly, if you have an instance of those classes how you can format to the String you want e.g. in dd/MM/yyyy format, or USA or UK format? Well, Java 8 provides a utility class called DateTimeFormatter which can be used to parse/format dates in Java 8. It also provides several built-in formatter e.g. ISO date format and other to facilitate formatting of dates to String.

How to convert JSON to Map in Java 8 without using third party libraries like Jackson or Gson

Hello guys, If you are working with JSON data then you may know that JSON is collection of key value pairs and that's why many times, you also need to convert them into a Map in Java. While there are many Java libraries like Jackson and Gson which provides support of parsing JSON to Java objects, there is not much support for JSON parsing or manipulation on standard JDK. While JSON parsing is still a long overdue, starting with JDK 8u60+ the built-in Nashorn engine is capable to convert JSON content into java.util.Map. No external dependencies are required for parsing JSON in to Map as you will learn in this article. 

Top 10 Online Courses to Learn Python in 2024 - Best of Lot

Hello guys, if you want to learn Python programming language in 2024 and are looking for the best Python courses, you have come right. There are a lot of resources to learn Python on the web, including free and paid. In the past, I have also shared a lot of accessible sources like free books,  tutorialscourses, specialization, and certifications. Still, many of you asked for more comprehensive and advanced Python courses to master this essential programming skill in 2024. We have selected a few advanced Python online training courses from platforms like UdemyCoursera, edX, ZTM Academy, and Pluralsight to help you learn Python from the best resources. 

Can You Override static method in Java? Method Hiding Example

Can we override the static method in Java?
This is one of the most popular Java interview questions. The answer to this question is No, you cannot override the static method in Java because the method overriding is based upon dynamic binding at runtime and static methods are bonded using static binding at compile time. This means static methods are resolved even before objects are created, that's why it's not possible to override static methods in Java. Though you can declare a method with the same name and method signature in the subclass which does look like you can override static methods in Java but in reality that is method hiding. 

Top 95 Programming Interview Questions Answers to Crack Any Coding Job Interview

Hello guys, if you are preparing for your next Programming Job interview and looking for frequently asked Coding or Programming questions to practice then you have come to the right place. In this article, I am going to share some of the most commonly asked Coding questions from Programming Job interviews. In order to do well on the Coding interview you need practice, you just can't go there and try to solve the coding problems in a limited time, that's actually one of the most common reasons to fail your programming Job interviews.  Sometimes, the interviewer also asks a little bit easier coding questions on a telephonic interview like revering array in place or reversing a string in place.

Top 5 Free Object-Oriented Programming Courses for Java Programmers in 2024 [UPDATED]

The OOP or Object Oriented Programming paradigm allows you to write a program by modeling real-world things in terms of class and object. It makes representing a real-world thing in the programming world smoother and will enable you to manage the complexity of your program. Even though several programming paradigms, like procedural and functional, most of the code we write today is object-oriented. Some of the most popular programming languages are object-oriented, like Java, Python, PHP, and JavaScript, all supported object-oriented programming.

Top 10 Free Courses for Java Developers to Learn Online in 2024 - Best of Lot

Hello guys, the Internet is full of useful resources, and no matter what you want to learn, there is something useful available for free. You just need to commit your time and effort. But at the same time, it's challenging to choose from the massive sea of free tutorials and courses on the internet. If you are not careful, you will spend most of your time browsing and changing classes without learning anything. That's where a curated list helps. Curation is my hobby and passion. I love to read books and courses which allows me to curate useful resources and share them with you guys.

Top 30 Stack and Queue Data Structure Interview Questions for Practice

Hello guys, stack and queue are two fundamental data structures which are used on many applications and algorithms. For example, you can use stack to convert a recursive algorithm to iterative one, which is more safe in production and no risk of StackOverFlowError. Similarly, queue is used in many asynchronous algorithms like producer consumer pattern or publish subscribe pattern to exchange messages. Because of that, they are also quite popular on coding interviews, particularly on Java developer interviews. In the past, I have shared 100+ data structure questions as well as String coding problems, array questions, linkedlist questions, recursion questions and even dynamic programming questions but I have not shared stack and queue related questions before. 

Top 5 Java Performance Courses for Experienced Developers in 2024 - Best of Lot

Hello guys, if you have been doing Java development for few years, then you know that Performance is the key for any Java application. As a senior Java developer, one should know how to improve the performance of Java applications and understand memory management and garbage collection, which often causes Performance in Java applications. These are some advanced skills that take some effort to develop. It doesn't come by default even if you have been programming in Java for years, as most people don't touch these topics. Many of them are afraid or take the performance tuning work and always look up to the most senior or brilliant developers in their team.

Top 7 Free Amazon Web Services or AWS Courses to Learn in 2024- Best of Lot [UPDATED]

Hello guys, if you are thinking about learning cloud technologies or cloud computing, and looking at the various cloud providers like AWS, GCP, or Azure, then you are going in the right direction. The future lies with Cloud, and it's essential for every developer to learn about cloud computing solutions. When we talk about Cloud, the first thing that comes to mind is AWS, the biggest Cloud Computing platform, and that's why I suggest a lot of developers learn it. If you want to learn Amazon Web Services, popularly known as AWS, and looking for some excellent resources like books, courses, and tutorials, then you have come to the right place.

Top 10 Online Courses to Learn Data Structure and Algorithms in 2024 - Best of Lot

Hello guys, In the past, I have shared a lot of useful resources like books and tutorials to learn Data Structure and Algorithms for both beginners and experienced programmers. I have also shared a lot of Data Structure and Algorithmic interview questions like this and their solutions in Java. Still, I have got continuously queries about excellent online courses to learn Data Structure and Algorithms in Java. Even though the topics are completely independent with the programming language, Java developer definitely likes the online courses which teach Data Structure and Algorithms in Java, and that's why my recent post about best algorithms courses, which includes algorithms courses from JavaScript and Python didn't impress my readers.

Top 10 Free Core Spring, Spring MVC, and Spring Boot Courses for Beginners in 2024 - Best of Lot

Hello guys, if you want to learn Spring Framework, Spring MVC and Spring Boot then you are at the right place. In this post you will find the best free courses to learn Spring Framework, Spring MVC and Spring Boot in 2024. I have been sharing a lot of resources like books and courses recently and when I published my list of Top 5 courses to learn Spring and Hibernate, many of my readers asked about a similar list of free courses to learn Spring Framework like Core Spring, Spring MVC, Spring Security, and Spring Boot. That request was always back in my mind but I couldn't get time to put together a list, which I can share with you guys, but today is the day. In this list, I have compiled some of the best online free courses to learn Spring Framework from scratch, online at your own pace. 

Top 5 System Design Newsletter You Can Read in 2024

Hello guys, if you want to learn System design then there are many ways you can start. For example, you can start with reading a System Design book, or joining an online course, but if you want to keep yourself updated and believe in constant learning then there is no better way then subscribing to a System Design Newsletter. When it comes to System design newsletter you can find many newsletter online, just open your LinkedIn and you will see a post popping here or there but you cannot subscribe to all of them as it doesn't make sense. A better strategy is to subscribe only the best newsletters so that you doesn't get overwhelmed but also keep learning useful concepts and new tech trends. 

8 Free Linux Courses for Programmers and IT Professionals to Learn Online [2024]

Linux is one of the most popular operating systems to run server-side applications. I have seen almost all Java applications running on Linux, barring a couple of them, which run on Windows as a service. If you take out standalone apps like IDEs or tools, most of the real-world Java applications run on Linux, like payment gateways, trading systems, and other financial applications. That's why it's essential for any programmer, IT professional, or developer to learn and understand Linux, both the operating system, as well as the command line.

Top 10 JavaScript Online Courses for Beginners in 2024 - Best of Lot

Hello guys, JavaScript is one of the most powerful programming languages, and if you want to learn JavaScript, now is the best time. If you are looking for the best and advanced JavaScript courses, then you have come to the right place. Earlier, I have shared JavaScript websites, JavaScript projects, and free JavaScript courses, and in this article, I am going to share some of the best courses to learn JavaScript in 2024. I have compiled this list by collecting a lot of recommended JavaScript courses from online learning platforms like Udemy, Coursera, Pluralsight, Educative, CodeCademy, edX, Udacity, and others. This is a decent collection of different types of JavaScript courses from different platforms. While you don't need to join all these courses, joining one or two will be enough. 

Top 8 Online Courses to Learn Power BI in 2024 - Best of Lot

If you want to become a Data Analyst or Data Scientist or you are doing Data Analytics and Data visualization and want to learn Microsoft Power BI then you have come to the right place. In the past, I have shared the best courses to learn Tableau, QlikView, D3.js, and Excel, and today and I going to share the best online courses to learn Microsoft Power BI, another top-class Data Visualization tool. If you have been interested in Data Visualization and Analysis then you might have come across Microsoft Power BI, a cloud-based powerful data visualization tool that is quickly getting very popular among Business Analysts and other technical people who work with Data.

Top 6 Free Database and SQL Query Courses for Beginners to Learn Online in 2024 - Best of Lot

Hello guys, I have been sharing some free programming resources e.g. books and courses in this blog for quite some time. Earlier I have shared free courses on Java, Maven, Spring, and Data Structure and Algorithms and today I'll share some of the free online training courses to learn SQL and Database. Why you should learn SQL? Well, it's one of the must-have skills for programmers, application developers, and IT professionals. Like Linux, this is one skill that is going to serve you longer than any other programming language, framework, or library.