Tuesday, December 19, 2023

Top 8 Online Courses to Learn Go or Golang in 2024 - Best of Lot

Hello guys, if you want to learn the Go programming language in 2024 and look for the best Golang online courses, you have come to the right place. Earlier, I shared the best JavaScript Courses, and today, I will share the best online lessons to learn one of the modern programming languages called Go or Golang. This popular, next-generation, highly efficient programming language is created by none other than Google, creator of Angular, Android, Flutter, and Dart, to make their software development process smoother and better. 

I have specially chosen the courses with small lessons, provide hands-on coding experience, and be enjoyable so that you won't get bored while watching lessons. They are also selected from the best online learning platforms like Udemy, Coursera, Pluralsight, and CodeCademy.

They are created by experts and experienced teachers like Stephen Grider, Jose Portilla, and Todd Mcleod, which makes learning Golang a great experience, but before that, let's know a bit more about Golang? Why do you need to learn Golang in 2024, and what is the best way to learn Golang by yourself. 

In 2009, Google set out to create a new programming language that was fast, productive, and fun-to-code but without compromising readability, productivity, and simplicity, and that' how to Go programming language was born.

Even if the name of Google wasn't enough, this programming language was created by Ken Thompson. He has invented time-tested technologies like the C programming language and UNIX operating system, along with a critical contribution from two Google employees Robert Griesemer and Rob Pike. 

Since Golang or Go Programming Language is designed by Google, it's inherently fast, reliable, efficient, and trusted by companies like Netflix, ByteDance (TikTok), Uber, and, of course, Google.

Google uses Go specifically for its extensive networks of servers and Go also powers much of Google's own cloud platform, GCP, or Google Cloud Platform. Software developers worldwide use Go in application development, web development, operations and infrastructure teams, and much more.

It is also one of the popular languages of Cloud Native infrastructure and software development. If you want to learn Go in 2024 and are looking for excellent resources like online courses, you have come to the right place. This article will share some of the best courses to learn Golang or Go Programming language.

What is Go Programming Language? Is it worth Learning Golang in 2024?

Before I share you with the best online courses to learn Go Programming Language or Golang, let's first understand Go and why you should learn Golang in 2024? To start with, Go is an open-source programming language initially developed by a team at Google, which includes Ken Thomson, creator of UNIX and C, and enhanced by many contributors from the open-source community.

Go programming language was designed by Google to solve Google's problem concerning developing software at scale. Google creates works on millions of lines of code daily, primarily written in C++ and lots of Java and Python.

The Software development happens on a single source code repository, but the path from writing code to software programs that runs on millions of machine was slow and clumsy.

The goals of the Go project were to eliminate the slowness and clumsiness of software development at Google and thereby make the process more productive and scalable. The language was designed by and for people who write—and read and debug and maintain—large software systems.

It has modern features like garbage collection from Java, and it also takes advantage of powerful multi-core computer capabilities with built-in concurrency support, again similar to Java.

Because of these excellent features, speed, and reliability, Golang is getting a lot of traction from different developers worldwide. Many of them use it for application development, infrastructure automation, and cloud-native coding.

Golang is also one of the fastest-growing languages in terms of popularity, which means learning Go can open new doors of opportunity and help you get a job in Google, given they use Go a lot. If you are improving your tech skills, it's a great time to pick up the basics of Golang.

8 Best Golang Online Courses for Beginners to Learn in 2024

Anyway, without wasting any more of your time, here is my list of some of the best courses to learn Go or Golang programming language from scratch. These courses have been created by experts like Todd McLeod and trusted by thousands of developers worldwide. They are also made from popular learning websites like Udemy, Coursera, and Pluralsight.

1. Go: The Complete Developer's Guide (Golang) [Udemy Best Course]

This is another excellent course to learn the fundamentals and advanced features of the Go Programming Language (Golang) on Udemy.

Taught by Stephen Grider, this is a well-thought-out and structured course. It's also one of the few courses where you will learn some powerful and advanced features of Golang, like its concurrency model and interface type systems.

Talking about social proof, this course is trusted by more than 34,000 students, and it has, on average, 4.6 ratings from close to 9,300 participants, which is fantastic.

Stephen Grider is also one of my favorite instructors on Udemy; having attended his Modern React with Redux and several other courses, I can say that his courses are a complete worth of your time and money.

best Udemy course to learn Golang online

2. Programming with Google Go Specialization [Best Coursera Course for Golang]

You would be a little surprised to know, but Coursera also has a specialization in Go programming language offered by the UCI Division of Continuing Education.

This specialization introduces the Go programming language from Google and provides learners with an overview of Go's unique features.

There are 3 Courses in this Specialization:
1. Getting Started with Go
2. Functions, Methods, and Interfaces in Go
3. Concurrency in Go

Upon completing the three-course sequence, learners will have gained the knowledge and skills to create concise, efficient, and clean applications using Go. You will also get a certificate of completion once you complete all quizzes, assignments, and projects.

You can put this certification on your resume or LinkedIn profile to showcase that you know Golang - Google's programming language, and this works really well. It attract recruiters, shows your resume to more searches who are looking for certifications and keywords and help you to get more exposure. 

By the way, if you find Coursera courses useful, then I also suggest you join the Coursera Plus, a subscription plan from Coursera which gives you unlimited access to their most popular courses, specialization, professional certificate, and guided projects. It cost around $399/year, but it's entirely worth your money as you get unlimited certificates.

best Coursera certification to learn Golang

3. Go Fundamentals By Nigel Poulton [Best Pluralsight Course to learn Golang]

In this course, you'll learn to program with the increasingly popular Go programming language from Google. Starting from the ground up and assuming no prior knowledge, this course will leave you feeling comfortable writing small Go programs and familiar with all the significant features of the language's

If you don't know, Nigel Poulton, instructor, is a Docker Captain and famous technology author. He is known for his engaging videos and books on cloud-native technologies such as Docker and Kubernetes.

best course to learn Golang from scratch

4. "Learn Go" by Boot.dev

I love guided course as they are great to learn a new programming language like Golang given the guided nature but unfortunately there are not many guided course available to learn Golang but yesterday I found a gem of recourse, the Learn Go course on Boot.dev

Golang is Boot.dev's bread and butter. Lane, the founder of Boot.dev is a Go expert and has been managing and mentoring Go developers for years. As a platform, Boot.dev is heavy on fundamentals. They know that fundamentals matter, particularly computer science fundamentals when it comes to making you a sought-after backend developer. They believe that if you you don’t take some time to learn the fundamentals, you’ll be stuck in a junior developer role for years to come.

Boot.dev's Go track is is a well-thought out, fast-paced, and hands-on resource to level up your Go game. Lane, the author, covers all the nitty-gritty quirks and idioms, preparing you for real work. The goal of the Go track is to prepare you to be able to build well architected backend systems. If you get stuck along the way, they even have their own Discord community where the authors and other students hang out waiting to help.

As a platform, Boot.dev is heavy on fundamentals. They know that fundamentals matter, particularly computer science fundamentals when it comes to making you a sought-after backend developer. They believe that if you you don’t take some time to learn the fundamentals, you’ll be stuck in a junior developer role for years to come.

Lastly, it's worth mentioning that after you take the first two courses in the track, Go Mastery and Go Mastery 2, you'll be build an entire web server from scratch on your local machine, putting what you learned into practice.

Also, you'll be able to complete their "Go Interview  Prep" course so that you can go out and start applying for Go jobs once you finish the track.

If you enjoy a hands-on learning experience that goes deep into the details, then Boot.dev's Go course is for you. The course specializes in attacking Go from the angle of a back-end developer, so you'll be learning skills that are applicable to real-world jobs. 

Finally, the course is unbelievably fun! Lane and the Boot.dev team have made the course feel just like a videogame! It's incredibly addicting. You can also use discount code JAVINPAUL to get 25% off of a membership that will get you certificates of completion, progress verification, and more!

best interactive course to learn Golang

5. Learn Go at CodeCademy [best CodeCademy Course to Learn Golang]

If you have been learning online, you may know about CodeCademy, one of the best places for interactive online learning. I have used CodeCademy to learn Python, Java, Bash, and JavaScript, and I can say that they offer the best learning experience.

You will be glad to know that they also have an interactive course to learn Go (Golang) programming language, and the best part is that its created in partnership with Google, which is also the creator and supporter of Golang.

This is the most hands-on and interactive course to learn Go. You will hear about Go Basics like variables, conditionals, and functions and build a couple of projects in the Go programming language.

You'll learn the syntax, get quizzed on declaring functions, and work on projects like a flight coordinator for an interstellar travel agency. If you love project-based and interactive learning, this is the best course to learn. Go online.

The first four modules of "Learn Go" are live in CodeCademy right now, and they're entirely free.

best interactive course to learn Golang

6. Learn How To Code: Google's Go (Golang) Programming Language [Udemy]

This is one of the best and most comprehensive courses to learn the Go programming language from scratch. The course is perfect for both beginners and experienced developers because it teaches you Go and programming.

One of the world's leading Go Programming Trainers and Instructor, Todd McLeod, teaches this course. Todd was the first university professor in America to teach Go at the university level. 

Todd has taught over 1.65 Million students how to use the Go Programming Language. This course is tried, tested, and proven to train beginners and experienced developers to use Go.

The course is full of examples, hands-on Ninja exercises, solutions to the hands-on activities, and an excellent code repository. It also has lessons from computer fundamentals, which is perfect for beginners. If you are learning to code and choose Golang as a programming language, this is the course you should join.

With over 46.5 hours of content 82,000 students, and more than 11,000 reviews, this is truly the most comprehensive course on the Go programming language.

Best course to learn Golang for Beginners

7. Go (Golang): The Complete Bootcamp [Best Udemy Course for Golang]

This is another great course to learn. Go on, Udemy. The best part of this course is that it's very visual, and you will find a lot of animation, which helps you understand the concept better.

The course also has 1000+ hands-on exercises and projects, which is very important for learning technology. Yes, you cannot learn by reading or watching videos unless you start coding and building something.

Created by Jose Portilla and Inanc Gumus, this course is trusted by more than 7000+ students, and it has, on average, 4.5 reviews from 1000+ ratings, which says a lot about its quality.

Jose Portilla is another instructor that I admire on Udemy. Having attended his Python and SQL Bootcamp course, I can vouch for the quality in his classes; even though he is a co-instructor on this course and it's mainly taught by Inanc Gumus, the quality is excellent.

Top 5 Courses to learn Go or Golang Programming language - Best of Lot

Honestly, getting his courses on $10 is like getting it free; I don't know why they sell in $10, which is ridiculously very low for a 22-hour great online course, but as a learner, this is a deal you never want to miss.

8. Go - The Complete Guide by Maximillian Schwarzmuller and AcadMind

This is the new edition into this list of best Golang courses, especially for 2024 and its come from none other than Maximillian Schwarzmuller and his Acadmind. If you don't know, Max is one of the best instructor on Udemy and I have attended several of his course on web development, Docker and Kubernetes, Angular, React and so much and this course is no exception. 

As I said, this is a highly-rated and comprehensive learning experience designed to teach Go ("Golang") from the ground up. With a stellar rating of 4.8 out of 5 from 153 reviews and boasting 2,790 students, this course, created by an experienced instructor, covers a wide range of topics. Participants will delve into Go fundamentals, including syntax, variables, types, and control structures.

The course also explores concurrent programming with goroutines and channels, allowing students to unravel the power of Go's concurrency model. Complex data structures such as arrays, slices, maps, and struct types are mastered for efficient data manipulation. 

Advanced features like interfaces, error handling, and package management are covered, along with the creation of real-world applications to solidify learning. The course emphasizes optimization techniques and best practices for writing efficient Go code. 

With no prior Go knowledge assumed and only basic programming experience recommended, students can build multiple demo projects throughout the course, culminating in the creation of a complete REST API with user authentication and SQL database access. 

Max have taught over 2,500,000 students so he knows what he does and this course is another exceptional addition into his already impressive list. I highly recommend this course to anyone who want to learn Golang in depth in 2024. 

best course to learn Golang in depth

That's all about some of the best courses to learn Go or Golang programming language. As I said, Go is designed to be scalable, fast, productive, and fun to use, and it's trusted by developers at companies like Netflix, Uber, CodeCademy, and, of course, Google. Learning Golang could boost your career and help you get a job at Google, which many software developers dream of.

Other Programming Resources (Free and Paid) you may like to check

Thanks a lot for reading this article so far. If you find these best Golang or Go Programming language courses valuable and fun, please share them with your friends and colleagues. If you have any questions or feedback, then please drop a note.

P. S. - If you are keen to learn the Go programming language but looking for free Golang courses to start your journey, you can also check out the  GetGoing: Introduction to Golang (FREE) course on Udemy. This 3.5-hour course is entirely free, and more than 11500 students have already joined this free Go programming course on Udemy. 


  1. Hey Javin, thanks for curating this list! I've been working on a Go course (and a new platform that the course runs on) I'm just getting started but I would love your feedback. The most interesting thing about this platform is that it runs Go in the browser using WASM and the courses are meant to feel like videogames. Anyhow check it out here:


    Let me know what you think here or I'm on twitter @wagslane or @q_vault

    1. Thanks for sharing with us, I will checkout.

  2. codeacademy learn go or udemy go bootcamp, which one would you recommend; I only have 5 days to learn go coding, I've already covered theory part and is looking for a good course for practicing coding.

    1. If you want to practice coding then go for Codecademy learn go course, as you will do interactive short coding practices which is good for learning.


Feel free to comment, ask questions if you have any doubt.