Top 5 Online Courses to Learn Power BI in 2024 - Best of Lot

If you want to become a Data Analyst or Data Scientist or you are doing Data Analytics and Data visualization and want to learn Microsoft Power BI then you have come to the right place. In the past, I have shared the best courses to learn Tableau, QlikView, D3.js, and Excel, and today and I going to share the best online courses to learn Microsoft Power BI, another top-class Data Visualization tool. If you have been interested in Data Visualization and Analysis then you might have come across Microsoft Power BI, a cloud-based powerful data visualization tool that is quickly getting very popular among Business Analysts and other technical people who work with Data.

Top 8 Git Online Courses for Beginners to Learn in 2024 - Best of Lot

Hello guys, if you want to learn Git and Github and looking for the best resources then you have come to the right place. Earlier, I have shared free Github courses and free websites, and in this article, I am going to share the best online courses to learn Git from Udemy, Pluralsight, and other online portals. There is no doubt that both Git and Github have become standard source control and code repository for software developers. There was a time when multiple version control rules the world like CVS, SVN, VSS, Mercury, and TFS, but slowly and for better, everything has converged to Git. Now, almost 70 to 80% of programmer uses Git for version control and Github repository, both public and private, for storing their source codes. 

Top 10 Free Core Spring, Spring MVC, and Spring Boot Courses for Beginners in 2024 - Best of Lot

Hello guys, since 2023 is coming to end in few days, I am updating this article to share with you the best free courses you can join to learn Spring Framework, Spring MVC and Spring Boot in 2024. I have been sharing a lot of resources like books and courses recently and when I published my list of Top 5 courses to learn Spring and Hibernate, many of my readers asked about a similar list of free courses to learn Spring Framework like Core Spring, Spring MVC, Spring Security, and Spring Boot. That request was always back in my mind but I couldn't get time to put together a list, which I can share with you guys, but today is the day. In this list, I have compiled some of the best online free courses to learn Spring Framework from scratch, online at your own pace. 

Top 5 Free Courses to Learn React in 2024 - Best of Lot

React.js, React JS, or React is one of the most popular frameworks or JavaScript libraries for building user interfaces. It's backed by Facebook, and it's often viewed as an alternative to the tremendous Angular framework by Google. React is also very flexible, fast, easy to learn, and fun to work with. It is designed to make the process of building modular, reusable user interface components simple and intuitive and that's why most of the modern GUI and web applications are build using the React framework. It is developed at Facebook and it focuses on the 'View' aspect of MVC in web applications. The component-based development is one of the biggest advantages of the React library which is both rich and extensible.

Top 7 Spring Boot Online Courses for Beginners in 2024 - Best of Lot [UPDATED]

Hello guys, if one of your goals is to learn Spring Boot in 2024, and I have started working towards it. As I have talked about my 3 point action plan to learn new technology, the first step is to attend some online courses and start building from that. If you are not sure what is Spring Boot and why should you learn Spring Boot, then let me tell you that it should be the first Java framework you should learn in 2024. The Spring Boot makes it really easy to work with the Spring framework by removing all the starting hurdles concerning setup and configuration. In one word, it makes it possible to write a Spring-based Java application and run them like core Java applications, like from the primary method.

Top 15 Courses to Learn System Design and Software Architecture in 2024 - Best of Lot

Software design or System design is one of the tricky concepts to master. You can quickly learn a programming language like Java or Python, but creating software using that programming language is a totally different thing. That's where software design and coding skills come to the rescue. It's actually an art to structure your program, design your modules, specify boundaries and interactions with other parts of the system so that they are easier to read, maintain, and flexible to change. It's one of the most essential skills for a software developer but often gets ignored. If you look for an online course to learn Software design and architecture, you won't find many, forget about good ones.

Top 8 Online Courses to Learn Go or Golang in 2024 - Best of Lot

Hello guys, if you want to learn the Go programming language in 2024 and look for the best Golang online courses, you have come to the right place. Earlier, I shared the best JavaScript Courses, and today, I will share the best online lessons to learn one of the modern programming languages called Go or Golang. This popular, next-generation, highly efficient programming language is created by none other than Google, creator of Angular, Android, Flutter, and Dart, to make their software development process smoother and better. 

Top 10 Websites to Learn JavaScript Coding for FREE in 2024 - Best of Lot

Hello guys, if you want to learn JavaScript and are looking for the best websites to learn JavaScript programming for FREE, you have come to the right place. Earlier, I shared the best free JavaScript courses and paid JavaScript courses, and in this article, I will list down the best websites to learn JavaScript for FREE. We live in a world of the internet, which is full of resources. You can know whatever you want and that too, without spending too much money. If you're going to learn JavaScript, there are plenty of websites where you can learn JavaScript online for FREE

Top 10 Data Science and Machine Learning Courses, Certifications in 2024 - Best of Lot

Disclaimer: This article contains affiliate link, I may earn commision if you purchase any course but without any extra cost to you. Suppose you work in the technology field today as a programmer or software engineer. In that case, I am sure you have heard about terms like Data Science, Machine Learning, Deep Learning, Artificial Intelligence, etc. They are the latest technologies impacting every single sector, just like IT does it when it comes the first time. It doesn't matter if you work for a bank or insurance sector, airspace, or defense. All fields were impacted by IT, and shortly, they will be affected by machine learning and artificial intelligence. That's why it's essential to learn Data Science and Machine learning in 2024, and if you are looking for some good resources like courses and certification, you have come to the right place.

10 Best Practices for Handling Null in Java

Hello guys, Dealing with null is an inevitable part of Java programming, but following best practices can help you manage it effectively and write more reliable code. In this article, we'll explore ten best practices for handling null in Java to improve code quality and avoid common pitfalls. If you can handle null then you will sure write better code as null is often the cause of Runtime errors in Java, you may heard of NullPointerException? No. If not then I can say that you have not coded enough in Java because it was the first error I got when I start writing Java program in my college days. At that time I don't know how to handle null better so it's long painful debugging until we find the cause and then do some workaround or fix but if you know how to handle null better then you can write code which can withstand test of time in production.