Sunday, January 1, 2023

10 Projects You can Build to Learn TypeScript in 2024 - Best of Lot

Hello guys, if you want to learn TypeScript then there is no better way to learn then building projects. In my 20 years of experience in Software development, this is the most valuable lesson I have learned. Its Ok to read books and watch online courses but until you build something those knowledge will go in vain. You will forget most of them within few weeks. That's why its important to build project and keep building them. If you are looking for interesting TypeScript project ideas then you have come to the right place. Earlier, I have shared best TypeScript courses and best JavaScript courses and in this article, I am going to share 10 projects you can build to learn TypeScript in 2024. I have carefully chose these projects so that both beginner and intermediate TypeScript developer can benefit. 

But, before we get to a list of the best project ideas that will teach you everything you need to know about TypeScript, let me tell you a little bit more about what it really is.

For those of you who don't know, TypeScript is basically a strongly typed superscript of JavaScript. It can b compiled to plain JavaScript. TypeScript can be used for application-scale JavaScript development. It can also be executed on any browser, any host, and any operating system.

You can think of TypeScript as a pure object-oriented programming language with classes, interfaces, and statistically typed programming. It is a lot similar to other programming languages like C and Java. The only thing you will need is a compiler to compile and generate the code in the JavaScript file. TypeScript can be seen as the ES6 version of JavaScript along with some additional features.

Another important feature of TypeScript is that it supports the new ECMAScript standards. You can also transpile them to ECMAScript targets of your choice. You can also use features of ES2015 and beyond, including modules, lambda functions, classes, spread operator, and de-structuring.

10 Best TypeScript Project Ideas For Beginners in 2024

Here we have compiled a list of the best project ideas that will teach you everything you need to know about TypeScript. Keep reading to find out more. 

1. Create a Story Book

Using this exciting project, you will be able to create a Storybook web service by using TypeScript and JavaScript.  As part of this project you will learn how to create web service endpoints for handling storybook requests. 

You will also be able to read and delete URL Query string request parameters. I have no doubt that this project idea will help you become a more advanced developer in TypeScript as well as JavaScript. If you need help , you can also see this exciting Udemy course,

2. Build a Grafana Clone

If you done monitoring or see monitoring dashboard then you may be familiar with Grafana, one of the most popular monitoring app. You can build a similar app using TypeScript, this project will help you become an expert in project management using TypeScript. 

By doing this project, you will learn how to configure Dependency Injection in JavaScript. You will also be able to create a web application using the TypeScript programming language. You will learn how to save and update data in an H2 database with JPA and JavaScript.

If you need any help then you can also see this fantastic course from Udemy. This is also one of the most popular courses on the Udemy platform.

3. Create a Turbolinks Clone

This is another interesting project idea for TypeScript beginner. By making use of this project, you will be able to learn more about TypeScript and how it can work with other IDEs. And that is where this fantastic course from Udemy comes in. 

This is a fantastic course that will act as your complete guide from development to deployment in the TypeScript programming language. You will learn, among other things, how you can build microservice applications using JavaScript. In addition to TypeScript, this project will help you become a more advanced JavaScript developer. 

4. Create a CRUD web app using TypeScript

As the title suggests you will enter the world of TypeScript using this project. This is one of the simplest project any beginner can do to learn how to use TypeScript.  

By doing this project you will be able to learn how to create a TypeScript web application. You will also be able to create a new software project. You will learn how to store and receive data with the help of JavaScript. You only need to have a very basic understanding of TypeScript to start working on this project. If you need help you can also see this wonderful course,

5. Create a Workflow Automation Tool 

Building a workflow automation tool is a great way to get to grips with TypeScript. If you need help, there is a great course that will teach you everything you need to know about JavaScript and TypeScript. You will learn how you can establish lines of communication between both programming languages. This project idea will help you become a more robust software developer.  

6. Build a GraphQL Voyager

Creating a GraphQL Voyager with the help of TypeScript will immensely help you in taking your skills to the next level. If you need help, there is a great course on Udemy that will help you master TypeScript along with authentication systems. 

By doing this project, you will be able to learn everything you need to know about TypeScript. By executing this project successfully, I have no doubt that you will become an expert TypeScript developer.  

7. Build a Quiz App Using TypeScript

This is one of my personal favorite and interesting project to learn TypeScript. I have built Quiz app while preparing for Oracle Java certification long back using Swing and after that I have used this project to learn JavaFX and other GUI technology.

By creating an online quiz app your TypeScript skills will help you stand out and impress your interviewers. As part of this project you will learn how to build your resume for enhancing your TypeScript Applications.

8. Create Arkanoid Game wth TypeScript

This is a bit similar to the earlier project. The only difference is that in this case, you will also be building an Arkanoid game. You will be able to learn more about this project using this easily accessible course, you will learn how to deploy TypeScript in React Projects. You will be able to configure different patterns of React. 

9. Create a Random Color Generator

This project will help you master the TypeScript programming language. This TypeScript project is perfect for beginners who have zero ideas about TypeScript. This project will teach you everything you need to know about TypeScript with the help of examples and interview questions. You only need to have a basic idea of programming to begin working on this project.

10. Create a Shopping Cart Page

This project will help you become an expert in programming using TypeScript. As part of this project you will learn how to configure Dependency Injection in JavaScript. You will also be able to create a web application using your programming skills. This is a fantastic project idea that will help you become proficient in TypeScript. 

TypeScript Frequently Asked Questions

So far, we have looked into 10 interesting project ideas to learn TypeScript better in 2024, now let's see common TypeScript questions beginner ask while learning TypeScript

1. What is TypeScript?

TypeScript is basically a strongly typed superscript of JavaScript. It can b compiled to plain JavaScript.

2. What are the uses of TypeScript?

TypeScript can be used for application-scale JavaScript development. It can also be executed on any browser, any host, and any operating system. 

3. What are the features of TypeScript?

You can think of TypeScript as a pure object-oriented programming language with classes, interfaces, and statistically typed programming. It is a lot similar to other programming languages like C and Java. The only thing you will need is a compiler to compile and generate the code in the JavaScript file.

That's all about the best TypeScript project ideas for beginners in 2024. You can build these project to not only learn TypeScript better but also to become a better code and developer. If you liked this list of the 10 best TypeScript projects for beginners, feel free to share it with your friends and family. You can also drop a comment if you have any doubts about TypeScript and we will get back to you in an instant.

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