Wednesday, October 9, 2024

10 Tools Java Developers Should Learn in 2024 - (UPDATED)

Hello folks, we are in the first week of 2024, and many programmers have already started making a good process to their goals for 2024, which is very good, but if you are someone, who is still not sure what to learn in 2024, then you have come to the right place. In the past, I have shared 10 things Java developers to learn in 2024, and last week, I published the top 5 Java Frameworks to learn, but there is one topic that kept coming from my readers.  The question which I have received this week a couple of times from my fellow Java developers and readers is which tools Java programmers should learn in 2024? Or what are some excellent Java tools used in application development? And finally, what should I learn in 2024?

I have been answering this question by writing blog posts like 10 Testing Tools Java developers should learn in 2024 (See here), and in this article, I am going to share some of the best Java tools you can learn in 2024.

Btw, this list is not the mandatory list of Java tools because I have not included essential tools like IDEs, Unit testing library, embedded web servers, and in-memory database, for that you should read my article 10 Java development tools you should know.

This article is mainly about some basic and advanced tools Java programmers should learn in 2024. Even though I have been using Java for a long time, I have not used many of these tools, or I may have some ideas but haven't mastered these tools; hence, I have listed them here so that I can also get a chance to learn them in 2024.

If you are an experienced Java developer with 5 to 10 years of experience, you might be familiar with these tools, but if you are not, then 2024 is an excellent time to start learning these tools.

As the saying goes, a Programmer is as good as its tools; if you want to become a better programmer, one of the most important tips is to learn the tools of your trade.

Which tools Java Programmers Should Learn in 2024?

There are so many tools that exist in the Java world, starting from famous IDEs like Eclipse, NetBeans, and IntelliJ IDEA to JVM profiling and monitoring tools like JConsole, VisualVM, Eclipse Memory Analyzer, etc., which Java developers should know.

Though, in this article, I am focusing on general tools that are applicable to every kind of Java developer, e.g. both core Java Java and Web developers.

One such tool is the JIRA, which is must know for experienced developers, especially if your team is following Agile practices like Sprint, Scrum, and Kanban. JIRA provides all the tools you need to manage your Agile projects.

Btw, the list is by no means complete, and if you know some excellent tools, Java programmers should learn, then please share with us in the comments section.

1. Docker

Docker is an open-source tool for automating the deployment of applications on the cloud or physical servers. It allows developers and system admins to build, ship, and run distributed applications, whether on laptops, data center VMs, or the cloud.

Docker works in collaboration with the cloud, Linux, and Windows vendors, and many companies focusing on IT automation, Docker is nicely poised to take advantage of that.

If you are thinking of learning new technology in 2024, invest your time in Docker for the Absolute Beginner course, which teaches Docker with hands-on coding exercises.

best Java tools for beginners

If you like to learn from free resources, like books, and courses, then you can also check out this list of free Docker Courses for Java developers, which contains a lot of useful information.

2. Kubernetes

Apart from Docker, Kubernetes or K8's is one of the most sought-after skills by companies of all sizes. So, if you are looking to gain a new skill and tool that will stay with you throughout your career, then learning Kubernetes is a great option. Kubernetes drastically changes the code deployment process, making it possible to seamlessly roll out new releases with no downtime.

Kubernetes is also a crucial tool for the adoption of the Hybrid Cloud environment which means the same code can run on developer machines as well as on-premise on different cloud environments like AWS, GCP, and Microsoft Azure.  If your company is pushing for Cloud then learning Kubernetes can be really helpful to you.

In short, whether you are a junior Java developer or an experienced veteran with several years of experience, it will help to have a little bit of Kubernetes knowledge at the back of your mind and if you have already realized the importance of Kubernetes and looking to learn Kubernetes in 2024 then Docker and Kubernetes: The Complete Guide by Stephen Grider on Udemy is an excellent course to start with.

What you can learn to become a good Java developer

If you prefer free resources, like free online courses, then you can also check out this list of free Kubernetes Courses for Java developers to start your journey.

3. Git

Git is one more essential tool for Java programmers. It is a free and open-source distributed version control system designed to handle everything from small to very large projects with speed and efficiency.

Git is easy to learn and has a tiny footprint with lightning-fast performance, but unfortunately, I haven't worked on Git extensively.

I have used Git to download open-source projects and examples from Github using Eclipse, but I have yet to master the Git command line, and that's why I have set this as a goal to learn in 2024.

I have already bought the Git Ultimate course from Udemy for just 10$ on their last flash sale and looking forward to learning it as soon as time permits.

important tools for Java developers

If you also decide to learn Git, you can join this course too. Udemy is having a flash sale again from 1sst January to 11th January, where you can buy this online course at just 10$.

I generally buy a lot of courses when they run a flash sale and then take them whenever I have free time. Since Udemy gives you lifetime access, of course, you can learn at your own pace.

Btw, if you prefer free resources, then you can also see this list of free Git courses for programmers. They are actually quite good as compared to some other paid courses.

4. Maven

If you are an experienced Java developer, then you should already know Maven, but if you are a fresher or Java developer with 1 to 2 years of experience, then it's an excellent tool to learn in 2024. Apache Maven is a build and project management tool.

Based on the concept of a project object model (POM), Maven can be used to manage the project's build, reporting, and documentation from a central piece of information. Another useful feature of Maven is dependency management.

Since we use a lot of third-party libraries in Java projects, managing each of those JAR and their dependency manually can be very troublesome, Maven solves that problem by automatically downloading the right JAR for you.

If you are a complete beginner in Maven, then the Maven Fundamentals from Pluralsight is an excellent course to start with.

Essential Tools for Java Developers

If you prefer free resources, e.g. books and courses, then you can also check out this list of free Maven Courses for Java developers to start your journey.

5. Jenkins

Jenkins is an open-source automation server written in Java. It helps to automate the non-human part of the software development process, like compiling projects, running unit tests, integration tests, generating documentation, and uploading artifacts on both local and remote repositories.

It's one of the most popular tools for continuous integration and implementing continuous delivery in your project. If you have yet to start with Jenkins, then there is no better time than 2024, and no better course than Master Jenkins CI for DevOps and Developers, you will hit two birds with one stone.

best continuous integration tool for Java developers

If you like free stuff, then I also have a collection of free Jenkins courses, which you can check out to start learning Jenkins in your spare time.

6. Selenium

Selenium is one of the best software-testing frameworks for web applications. It provides a playback tool for authoring tests without the need to learn a test scripting language. Java developers can use Selenium to test their HTML and JSP files.

It also provides a variety of tools and libraries for web browser automation. If you are in the automation and testing space, then Selenium is a must for you. If you decide to learn Selenium in 2024, then Selenium Web Driver with Java is an excellent course to start with.

best automation testing tool for Java developers

If you prefer free resources, e.g. free online courses, then you can also check out this list of free Selenium Web Driver courses for Java developers to start with.  These are actually some paid courses which their instructor made free for promotional and education purposes.

7. Groovy

If there is one language, Java developer should learn in 2024, then it should be Groovy; why? Because it complements Java. You can do a lot more in your Java project using Groovy than just sticking to plain Java.

You can use it to write build scripts, test scripts, and can even use popular frameworks like Gradle and Spock.

By the way, for those who don't know, Apache Groovy is an object-oriented programming language for the Java platform.

It is a dynamic language with features similar to those of Python, Ruby, Perl, and Smalltalk, and it extends Java by providing concise and compelling syntax. If you are absolutely new to Groovy, then The Complete  Apache Groovy Developer Course is an excellent place to start.

Java vs Groovy Tools for Java developers

Btw, if you like to learn from books, then online courses, then you can also take a look at this list of Groovy Books to master this powerful tool.

8. Spock

Spock is a testing and specification framework for Java and Groovy applications. What makes it stand out from the crowd is its beautiful and highly expressive specification language.

Thanks to its JUnit runner, Spock is compatible with most IDEs, build tools, and continuous integration servers.

It's an excellent tool to learn in 2024, especially if you want to improve your unit testing skills, which is a crucial step in becoming a good developer. If you decide to invest some time in the Spock framework, then Learn Automation with Gen and Spock from Udemy is the right place to start with.

best testing tool for Java developers

But, if you like books, then Java Testing with Spock is a seriously right choice to start with these robust automation testing frameworks.

9. Gradle

Gradle is another open-source build automation system that uses the best ideas of Apache Ant and Apache Maven and takes it to the next level. It's also the default build tool for Android.

It introduces a Groovy-based domain-specific language (DSL) instead of the XML used by Apache Maven for declaring the project configuration, which makes it easier to configure project dependencies and customize it based on your need.

Why did you choose Gradle over Ant or Maven? Well, because it combines the best features from other build tools like it has flexibility and control of Ant, dependency management of Ivy, convention over configuration and plugins of Maven, and on top of that it users Groovy DSL on top of Ant. This makes it the best build tool for Java projects.

If you decide to learn Gradle in 2024 and you're new to project automation or haven't used a build tool before then, Gradle Foundations: A Crash Course to Gradle is an excellent place to start.

Maven or Gradle which tool to learn

If you prefer to learn from a book than online courses, then Gradle in Action book is an excellent place to start.

10. JIRA

The JIRA from Atlassian is one of the most essential tools in the current world of Agile development. It is used for bug tracking, issue tracking, and project management.

If you are following Agile development methodology, like Sprint and Scrum, then you must know JIRA. It allows you to create Spring cycles and track the progress of your software development.

If you aspire to become Scrum Master, I strongly suggest you master JIRA, and the Learn JIRA with real-world examples is an excellent place to start with.

It not only teaches basic and advanced features of JIRA but also gives you a good introduction to Confluence.

Agile tools for Java developers

There is no doubt that JIRA is the best tool for the Agile practitioner. If you love Agile and want to master Agile principles and practices, then you can also check out this list of free Agile courses to start with.

11. Linux

If you don't know Linux, then this should be the first thing you learn in 2024. It's one of those skills which you should have learned in college but it's never too late. It's also the kind of technology and expertise that will serve you for a long time.

The Linux Command Line Basics from Udemy is a good starting point for both beginners and intermediate Linux users.

You can purchase this course for just $10 on Udemy's Flash sale which it runs multiple times a year. You can check the Udemy website to see if they are running any sales right now, chances are that they will.

10 Tools Java Developers Should Learn

Btw, if you like free resources, then you can also check out this list of free Linux courses to start your journey.

12. ChatGPT

This is the new tool I suggest every Java developer to learn in 2024 if they don't want to be left behind with their competition. Java developers can benefit from learning how to use ChatGPT for several reasons. 

Firstly, incorporating ChatGPT into Java applications allows developers to enhance user interactions by providing natural language understanding and generation capabilities. This is particularly valuable for developing conversational interfaces, chatbots, and virtual assistants.

By integrating ChatGPT, Java developers can create more intuitive and user-friendly applications, improving the overall user experience. Additionally, ChatGPT can be leveraged for automating certain text-based tasks, such as content generation, code completion, or even assisting in debugging processes.I have used to find bugs in code several time and it work near perfect. 

Learning how to use ChatGPT also exposes Java developers to the field of natural language processing (NLP) and machine learning, expanding their skill set and enabling them to work on a broader range of projects. 

As AI technologies continue to advance, incorporating ChatGPT into Java applications can future-proof development skills, ensuring that developers stay competitive in an evolving technological landscape.

Overall, acquiring knowledge about ChatGPT can be a valuable asset for Java developers, providing them with new capabilities and opportunities in the realm of natural language processing and AI-driven applications. In short, Java developer should definitely learn ChatGPT and if you need resources, ChatGPT Complete Guide: Learn Midjourney, ChatGPT 4 & More course by Julian Melanson and Benza Maman is nice place to start with. You can also start using ChatGPT, its free. 

why java developer should learn ChatGPT

That's all about the tools Java developers should learn in 2024. It's been said that you are as good as your tools are, and that's true. I have found a strong correlation between good programmers knowing more tools, and they know their tools better than the average programmer. If you are taking your career seriously and looking to improve your weapons and knowledge in 2024, then invest some time learning some of the tools mentioned in this article.

Other Java and Programming Articles you may like to explore:

Thanks for reading this article so far. If you like these tools for Java developers, then please share them with your friends and colleagues. If you have any questions or feedback, then please drop a note. 

P. S. -  If you are new to the Java world or want to learn Java in-depth and looking for the best online training course then I highly recommend you check out The Complete Java Masterclass course by Tim Buchalaka on Udemy. It's is one of the most comprehensive and up-to-date courses to learn Java in 2024. 


  1. Missing kotlin here in this list.

  2. Jenkins is already here, but Jenkins X is the next big thing in CI/CD clouds.

  3. Nice article, congrats.
    I guess I should consider to change option 9.Docker to Kubernetes.

    1. hello Andre, why do you think Kubernets is better option for Java developers than Docker?


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