How to handle click event in jQuery - Example

In the world of web development, interactivity is key to creating engaging user experiences. One fundamental aspect of interactivity is the ability to respond to user actions, such as clicks. jQuery, a fast and concise JavaScript library, has long been a favorite among developers for simplifying common tasks, including event handling.  You can handle click event in jQuery by using event handlers. You can bind event handlers to any element by using on() method or click() method. The event handler is nothing but a function containing some code which will be executed when user will click on the element. For example, if user clicks on a button then color of button might changed to show on and off behavior. All this can be implemented by handling click event in jQuery. 

In this article, we'll explore how to harness the power of jQuery to handle click events with ease. Whether you're a seasoned developer looking for a refresher or a newcomer eager to dive into the world of web interactivity, this guide will walk you through the essential concepts and provide practical examples to get you started.

Which method you can use to handle click event in jQuery ?

You can use on(), click() and bind() function to handle click event in jQuery The .click() method is the most popular method  to handle click events. This method attaches a click event handler to the selected HTML elements. 

Steps to handle click event in jQuery

1) find the element using jQuery selector

2) use on() or click() method to attach event handler with element

3) user preventDefault()

In jQuery, you can use the .click() method to handle click events. This method attaches a click event handler to the selected HTML elements. 

Here's the basic syntax:

$(selector).click(function() {

    // Code to be executed when the element is clicked


$(selector): This part selects the HTML element(s) you want to attach the click event handler to. You can use various types of selectors, such as element selectors (e.g., "button"), ID selectors (e.g., "#myButton"), class selectors (e.g., ".myClass"), or custom selectors

.click(): This is the method used to attach the click event handler.

function() { /* Code */ }: Inside the function, you place the code that should run when the selected element(s) are clicked.

Here's an example of using the .click() method to handle a click event on a button element:

$(document).ready(function() {

    // Attach a click event handler to a button with ID "myButton"

    $("#myButton").click(function() {

        // Code to be executed when the button is clicked

        alert("Button clicked!");



In this example, when a button with the ID "myButton" is clicked, an alert with the message "Button clicked!" will appear.

You can also use the on() method in jQuery to handle click events and other types of events. It provides more flexibility and can handle events on dynamically created elements. Here's a basic example using .on():

$(document).ready(function() {

    // Attach a click event handler to a button with ID "myButton"

    $(document).on("click", "#myButton", function() {

        // Code to be executed when the button is clicked

        alert("Button clicked!");



In this on() handler example, we're using event delegation to handle clicks on the button with ID "myButton," even if it's dynamically added to the page later.

How to handle click event in jQuery - Example

jQuery example to handle click event

To handle a click event using jQuery, you can follow this simple example:

First, include the jQuery library in your HTML file (either by downloading it and hosting it locally or using a CDN):

script src=""></script>
Then, you can create an HTML element (e.g., a button) and use jQuery to handle its click event. Here's an example using a button:
<!DOCTYPE html>
    <title>Click Event Example</title>
    <button id="myButton">Click me</button>

        // jQuery code to handle the click event
        $(document).ready(function() {
            // Attach a click event handler to the button with id "myButton"
            $("#myButton").click(function() {
                alert("Button clicked!");

In this example:
  • We include the jQuery library using a <script> tag.
  • We create an HTML button with the id attribute set to "myButton."
  • In the jQuery code block, we use $(document).ready() to ensure that the code executes after the document is fully loaded.
  • Inside the $(document).ready() function, we select the button with $("#myButton") and use the .click() method to attach a click event handler.
  • When the button is clicked, the function within click() is executed, displaying an alert with the message "Button clicked!"

This is a basic example of how to handle a click event using jQuery. You can replace the alert function with your desired code to perform actions when the button is clicked.

That's all about how to handle click event in jQuery. You have see how to turn a button on and off using jQUery. mastering the art of handling click events in jQuery is a valuable skill for any web developer. It opens up a world of possibilities for creating dynamic and responsive web applications.

Throughout this article, we've learned how to attach click event handlers, select DOM elements, and execute custom actions in response to user clicks. Armed with this knowledge, you can take your web development projects to the next level, delivering seamless and interactive user experiences. 

As you continue to explore jQuery and its capabilities, you'll discover that the ability to handle events like clicks is just the beginning of what you can achieve in the ever-evolving landscape of web development. 

Happy coding!

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Thanks for reading this article so far. If you have any question, feel free to ask in comments. And lastly  one questions for you? Tell me in one word why you love jQuery?

1 comment:

  1. Can I use the same method to handle click event in JavaScript? or click method is from jQuery API?


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