Saturday, July 17, 2021

Eclipse and NetBeans Keyboard Shortcuts for Java Programmers - Example

If you are a Java developer who has been using Eclipse for Java development, but you need to use Netbeans for your current project for various reasons, this article is for you. Whenever we transition between tools, we need the equivalent of one into other. For example, if you are an Eclipse power user who is used to Ctrl + Shift + R and Ctrl + Shift + T, you miss those as soon as you start using Netbeans shortcuts. One thing to keep your productivity up is to quickly find the equivalent shortcut in a new tool, like, Netbeans if you are switching from Eclipse or vice-versa.

In this article, I will share the Netbeans equivalent of 10 useful Eclipse shortcuts for Java developers. You will benefit if you have to use any of these IDEs. If you are new to Eclipse or want to learn Eclipse better, you can also check out these free Eclipse courses to start with. 

Eclipse Netbeans Keyboard shortcuts Mapping for Java Developers

Here is the mapping of Eclipse and Netbeans keyboard shortcuts for day-to-day functions for Java developers:

1. Searching for a Class
In eclipse, we use Ctrl + Shift + T to search for a Type in the workspace, like a class, an interface, or an enum. In Netbeans, you can use Ctrl + O to go to a Type. You can open a class from the JAR file by using this shortcut. You will see the source code in Eclipse if the source is attached to the JAR file; if not, you can follow the steps given here to set up that.

2. Searching for a File
In Eclipse IDE, we use Ctrl + Shift + R to search any resource, like a Java file, XML file, or SQL file. The Netbeans equivalent of this shortcut is Alt + Shift + O, the go-to File. You can use this shortcut to open any file from Netbeans projects.

3. Importing Java classes
One of the most used shortcuts by Java programmers is importing classes. In Eclipse, we use Ctrl + Shift + O or Organize import to import missing classes, interface and enums. In Netbeans, the equivalent shortcut is Ctrl + Shift + I, Fix All imports. 

Similar to Eclipse's Organize import, it also removes unused imports from the Java source file; if you have checked the remove unused import checkbox, by default, it's checked. You can also see these best Eclipse courses for Java programmers to learn more about powerful tips for Java developers. 

4. Finding all occurrences of a method call
Netbeans - Find usage Alt +F7
Eclipse - Ctrl + Shift + G , also known as Search, just select the element and enter Ctrl + Shift + G

5. Rename a Class or Method
In Eclipse - Alt + Shift + R, select a method and enter this shortcut to rename the method, select a class and enter this shortcut to rename a class.

In Netbeans - Ctrl + R, select a member, method, or class and hit this shortcut to rename it. Netbeans will find all its occurrences and update the name accordingly.

6. Show hints 
In Eclipse - press Ctrl + 1, known as a quick fix
In Netbeans - alt + enter

7. Close the current file
Ctrl + W work in both Eclipse and Netbeans

8. Formatting code
In Eclipse, select all code and press Ctrl + Shift + F
In Netbeans, select all code and press Alt + Shift + F

9. Commenting lines of code
NetBeans - Select all the lines, press Ctrl + / to remove, select them again, and press the same shortcut.
Eclipse - the Same shortcut works fine; you can also use Ctrl + Shift + / to insert a block comment.

10. Content assist
Ctrl + Space works in Netbeans and Eclipse, also known as auto-completion in Netbeans world.

And, here is a full list of Eclipse shortcuts for Java programmers:

Eclipse Netbeans Keyboard Shortcut Mapping for Java programmer

That's all about some useful shortcuts for Java programmers for NetBeans and Eclipse IDE. Knowing these shortcuts will save a lot of time while coding Java in both Eclipse and Netbeans. I mostly stick to Eclipse, but sometimes Netbeans also provide a lot of help.

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