What is YAML? How to define List and Map in YAML? Example Tutorial

Hello everyone, in this article we are going to take a look at how to use List and Map in YAML file. But before we jump into the topic. We start by defining the YAML document and why it is used. What advantages does it offer compared to the properties file?  But before that let's learn what is YAML? and how different it is from JSON and XML, two popular technology for configuration declaration. YAML stands for yet another markup language. YAML is a well-known programming language because it is simple to grasp and human-readable. Additionally, it can be combined with other programming languages. YAML is most extensively used in Ansible for declaring and defining playbooks.

YAML syntax

YAML derive many features from a popular programming language such as XML, HTML, C, and other. It reminds you of python when it comes to indentation. Like python, we can’t use braces, brackets, or any sort of closing tags in it. The extension we use for defining YAML document is .yml or .yaml

An Example of YAML document:

The below written YAML configurations demonstrate a student’s school record. It is saved with .yml or .yaml extension. 

Student record sample

name: John

school: X high school

age: 18

registered_since: 2008


  - Football

  - Hockey

  - Tennis


  english: Fluent

  spanish: Conversational

  chinese : Basic

Why do We Use YAML?

Even though YAML can be used with some programming languages but the most common and widely appreciated use is to create configuration files. But a question might appear in your mind why leave JSON in the first place? 

Although they can usually be used interchangeably, it is advised that configuration files be written in YAML rather than JSON because it is easier to understand and more user-friendly. Another reasonable advantage that YAML offer is it allows source control tools, such as GitHub, to keep track of and perform auditing of modifications.

Let’s shed some light on the difference between YAML and properties files as these are frequently used in Spring Boot Applications to hold configurations. 

These configurations are later referenced while making a connection with the database, reading properties such as username, password, database connection URL, dialect, on which port the application will run, and whether to log SQL query in the console, it can also assist you in defining public routes, CORS, and many more configurations.

Difference between YAML vs Properties syntax?

Below written code snippet represents application.properties syntax.
student.name =  some-name

student.age = some-age

student.school = name-of-school

student.favourite-subject = subject-name

student.hobbies = student-hobby-1, student-hobby-2, student-hobby-3, and so on

You might have noticed we have to repeat the student’s alias every time a new property is desired, a better way to use the YAML file.

The above code snippet can be rewritten using YAML syntax.


name: some-name

age: some-age

school: name-of-school

		favourite-subject: subject-name


- student-hobby-1

- student-hobby-2

- student-hobby-3

- and so on

Let’s take a look at another example











      ddl-auto: update

    show-sql: true

    database-platform: org.hibernate.dialect.MySQL5Dialect


    url: jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/funGun

    username: root

    password: log500900500

    driver-class-name: com.mysql.jdbc.Driver  

Hope the above syntax will clarify, how YAML can save time by reducing the repetitive code. So far we have seen what are YAML files, why it is used in the first place, and why many developers prefer them over properties file.

Here is also a nice diagram which explains difference between YAML, JSON, and XML in one shot:

difference between YAML, JSON, and XML

How to define List and Map in YAML? Example

It's time to start learning how to create lists and maps in YAML files. From the code below we can see how to declare a list and a map in a YAML file. Additionally, the program will also demonstrate how to use the Spring Boot application to access the map and list attributes from the YAML file.


plugins {

    id 'java'

    id 'org.springframework.boot' version '3.0.1'

    id 'io.spring.dependency-management' version '1.1.0'


group = 'com.usama'

version = '0.0.1-SNAPSHOT'

sourceCompatibility = '17'

repositories {



dependencies {

    implementation 'org.springframework.boot:spring-boot-starter-web'

    implementation 'org.projectlombok:lombok:1.18.22'

    implementation 'org.springframework.boot:spring-boot-starter-data-jpa'

    implementation 'mysql:mysql-connector-java:5.1.6'

    testImplementation 'org.springframework.boot:spring-boot-starter-test'


tasks.named('test') {



Declaring a List in YAML file




      - bat

      - ball

      - wickets

      - helmet

      - pads

      - gloves

      - sun-glass

      - shoes

      - thigh-guards

      - elbow-guards

      - arm-guards

      - chest-guard


      - air-purifier

      - air-conditioner

      - backup-charger

      - blender

      - bluetooth-speaker

Declaring a Map in YAML file



        username: john-smith

        email: john@****.com

        password: pass***


        username: peter-gom

        email: peter@****.com

        password: pass***


        username: maxwell

        email: maxwell@****.com

        password: pass***

Mapping YAML to Java List using Spring Boot


This class will act as a container for holding YAML properties. Here we have mainly two properties 

Cricket shop item

Electronic shop items



public class ShopProperties{

    List<String> cricket;

    List<String> electronic;

    Map<String,Object> shopUser;

    public List<String> getCricket() {

        return cricket;


    public List<String> getElectronic() {

        return electronic;


    public Map<String, Object> getShopUser() {

        return shopUser;


    public void setShopUser(Map<String, Object> shopUser) {

        this.shopUser = shopUser;


    public void setCricket(List<String> cricket) {

        this.cricket = cricket;


    public void setElectronic(List<String> electronic) {

        this.electronic = electronic;



REST end-point to access the defined List and Map



public class ShopController {


    ShopProperties shopProperties;


    public ResponseEntity<?> getCricketItems(){

        return new ResponseEntity<>(shopProperties.getCricket(), HttpStatus.OK);



    public ResponseEntity<?> getElectronicItems(){

        return new ResponseEntity<>(shopProperties.getElectronic(), HttpStatus.OK);



    public ResponseEntity<?> getShopUsers(){

        return new ResponseEntity<>(shopProperties.getShopUser(), HttpStatus.OK);



Accessing the List Items using REST end-points

GET  /api/v1/shop/cricket/items















As you can see we can fetch the list we specified in the application.yml file. Now let’s try to access electronic items.

GET  /api/v1/shop/electronic/items








By accessing the above end-point, we will be able to fetch the electronic shop items specified in the application.yml file.

Accessing the Map entities using REST end-points

GET  /api/v1/shop/shop-users

The above endpoint will return list of key value pairs that carry shop users data.


"0": {

"username": "john-smith",

"email": "john@****.com",

"password": "pass***"


"1": {

"username": "peter-gom",

"email": "peter@****.com",

"password": "pass***"


"2": {

"username": "maxwell",

"email": "maxwell@****.com",

"password": "pass***"




That's all about what is YAML and how to declare list and Map in YAML. With this, our article is at its conclusion. This brief essay aims to explain what YAML files are and why they are used so frequently to write application configurations. We also conducted a brief comparison regarding the syntax of properties and YAML files. 

Moving ahead, we discovered how to specify lists and maps in a YAML file. Finally, we build a Spring-based REST API to map YAML configurations into java objects. Hope this clarifies our understanding related to the YAML file.  

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