How to use lsof command in Linux? Example Tutorial
How to Synchronize HashMap in Java? Collections.synchronizedMap() Example Tutorial
Difference between WeakHashMap , IdentityHashMap, and EnumMap in Java?
Java HashMap keySet() , entrySet and values() Example - Tutorial
What is static and instance Method in Java? Example Tutorial
How to use Lambda Expression and method reference in Java? Example Tutorial
Composite Design Pattern Example in Java and Object Oriented Programming
Hello guys, if you are wondering how to use Composite design pattern in Java then you are at the right place. Composite design pattern is another object oriented design pattern introduced by Gang of Four in there timeless classic book Design pattern : Elements of Reusable software. Composite pattern as name suggest is used to compose similar things together, like similar objects. It implements an interface and also contains other objects which implements the same interface, also known as containee. One of the best example of Composite pattern from Java standard library is Swing's container classes e.g. Panel, which not only are Components by themselves, but also contains other components like JButton, Label, JTable etc.
6 Advanced Comparator and Comparable Examples in Java 8
How to convert String to long in Java? Example
How to convert String to Double in Java and double to String with Example
How to check if two String variables are same in Java? equals(), equalsIgnoreCase() and == operator Example
How to Read User Input and Password in Java from command line? Console Example
How to replace characters and substring in Java? String.replace(), replaceAll() and replaceFirst() Example
Difference between StringBuilder and StringBuffer in Java with Example
How to check if a Number is Power of Two in Java? [Bitwise AND Example]
5 Difference between Hashtable vs HashMap in Java? Answer
Hashtable and HashMap are two hash-based collections in Java and are used to store objects as key-value pairs. Despite being hash-based and similar in functionality there is a significant difference between Hashtable and HashMap and without understanding those differences if you use Hashtable in place of HashMap then you may run into series of subtle programs which is hard to find and debug. Unlike the Difference between ArrayList and HashMap, Differences between Hashtable and HashMap are more subtle because both are similar kinds of collections. Before seeing the difference between HashMap and Hashtable let's see some common things between HashMap and Hashtable in Java.
How to write a Parameterized Method in Java using Generics? Example
10 Examples of nslookup command in Linux and Windows
Difference between Polymorphism vs Inheritance in Java and Object Oriented Programming - Example
How to convert ArrayList to Comma Separated or Delimited String in Java - Spring Example
10 Examples of head and tail command in Linux
Difference between JDK and JRE in Java Platform
Difference between this and super keywords in Java
10 Examples of more and less command in Linux
How to use String literals in switch case in Java? Example Tutorial
10 Example of SSH Command in UNIX and Linux
10 Examples of wget command in Linux
Hey there! Today's article will explain the "wget" command in Linux and 10 different examples. If you are a Linux user, this is a command you will commonly use almost every now and then.
is very beneficial in such a way that, If you are downloading a file
and unfortunately the network connection becomes unstable and slow, It
keeps retrying until the file is fully recovered.
Before you can
start using "wget" command, you must have installed that on your Linux.
if not It won't recognize that command if you type it.
10 Examples of netstat command in Linux and UNIX
How to Fix java.lang.ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException in Java [Solution]
10 Examples of ls command in Linux
10 Reasons of java.lang.NumberFormatException in Java - Solution
3 ways to solve Eclipse - main class not found error
Can You declare Constructor inside Servlet Class in Java? Answer
10 Examples of ps command in Linux
In Today's article, You will be learning about the "ps" command in Linux and our objectives are:
To know what Ps stands for, how it works with numerous options, and provide different examples and the usage of it.
PS stands for processes status. Basically used to list the processes that are running at the moment. As we all know that when a task needs to be implemented it must follow or have a process. There are different options you could use with it and this gives you a different result.
How to fix "variable might not have been initialized" error in Java? Example
[Solved] Error: could not open 'C:\Java\jre8\lib\amd64\jvm.cfg'
Caused By: java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: org/apache/log4j/Logger in Java [Solution]
Cause : Caused By: java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: org/apache/log4j/Logger error indicates that JVM is not able to found org.apache.log4j.Logger class in your application's CLASSPATH. The simplest reason for this error is the missing log4j.jar file. Since org.apache.log4j.Logger class belongs to this JAR file, if it's not available at run-time then your program will fail.