How to use Queue Interface in Java? Example Tutorial
How to Convert Date to LocalDate in Java 8 - Example Tutorial
How to Search an Element in Java Array with Example? ArrayUtils Tutorial
[Solved] How to Find Repeated Characters in a given String with count in Java? Example
[Solved] How to solve a coin change problem in Java? Example
The coin change problem is one of the popular coding interview question and knowing how to solve this problem can help you during coding interview. It's also useful to learn a couple of tricks and data structure. This problem somewhat has to do with arrays, so we shall be discussing what an array is, But before we dive into this. we need to understand the problem. We are about to solve a coin problem by determining how many possible ways an amount can be paid. Suppose, Mary is a Businesswoman who deals with coin change.
How to print a Right Triangle Pattern in Java - Example Tutorial
Hello Java Programmers, here we are back again with a pattern based exercise. In the past, I have shared article on how to print pyramid pattern of stars in Java, Left Triangle Star Pattern, and Pyramid pattern of alphabets, and in this article, I will show you how to print a right triangle start pattern in Java. Pattern based exercises are great way to learn programming and coding as it encourage you to use logic and use essential programming constructs like loop and arrays.
10 Linux Books Every Programmer Should Read
1) Understanding the Linux Kernel (Bovet & Cesati), 3rd Edition
This book talks about very specific data structures and OS algorithm implementations at they pertain to the 2.4 Linux kernel. Not sure what you are getting at. 3rd edition is 2006 ;)
2) Linux kernel development
3) Linux in a Nutshell - 1997
Linux, In a Nutshell, is great, see about getting more of the O'Reilly books if you want good reference books.4) Linux Bible Paperback 8th Edition
by Christopher Negus (Author), Christine Bresnahan (Contributor)
5) UNIX and Linux System Administration Handbook (4th Edition) Paperback – July 24, 2010
UNIX and Linux System Administration Handbook is an absolute must-have for any sysadmin or Linux systems engineer.
6) RHCSA/ RHCE Red Hat Linux Certification: Exams (Ex200 & Ex300) (Certification Press) Paperback – June 17, 2011
by Michael Jang (Author)
7) The Linux Programming Interface
The Linux Programming Interface: A Linux and UNIX System Programming Handbook (Michael Kerrisk) I've found The Linux Programming Interface to be one of the best in-depth books I've ever tried to read on Linux. Only issues with it are it's not too hands-on, so it's a bit difficult to retain, and maybe the price, bit would have to say it's still totally worth it.8) Unix Shell Programming (3rd Edition), by Stephen Kochan (old bell labs employee)
9) The Linux Command-Line.
Have a look at The Linux Command-Line. The book focuses on novice users and the extended version is free for download.
10) Bash Guide, which I used to read
Books on bash would be useful as well since bash plays an important role in Linux.
That's all about some of the best book to learn Linux and Shell Programming.
[Solved] How to convert Decimal to Binary Number in Java? Example Tutorial
[Solved] How to find all pairs which add up to a given value in an Integer Array in Java? Example
3 Difference between multi-threading and multitasking? [Answered]
How to convert String to Date in Java? Example Tutorial
What is difference between start and run method of Thread in Java? Answer
Top 10 Tough Core Java Interview Questions Answers for Programmers
What is a tough core java interview question? Why do people look for tough Java questions before going for an interview? well, I don't think I need to answer these tough questions because it's pretty natural to prepare for tough questions even if you are not expecting tough questions from core Java. If you are prepared for the tough and tricky Java interview question then you feel more confident and answer other Java interview questions with confidence.
Difference between Self and Equi Join in SQL - INNER Join example MySQL
2 Ways to solve FizzBuzz in Java? [Example]
How to Find Highest Repeating Word from a File in Java [Word Count Solution]
How to Check if Given Number is Prime in Java - With Example
[Solved] How to Find 2 Largest Number from Integer Array in Java with Example
3 Examples to convert a Map to List in Java 8 - Example Tutorial
[Solved] How to Check If a Given String has No Duplicate Characters in Java? Unique Example
How to Find Greatest Common Divisor of two numbers in Java - [ Euclid's algorithm GCD Example]
How to Convert a Stream to List, Set, and Map in Java? Example Tutorial
How to solve Two Sum Array Problem in Java? Example
How to calculate sum of all numbers in a given array in Java [Example]
[Solved] 2 Ways to Find Duplicate Elements in a given Array in Java - Example
Top 5 Practice Tests for Google Cloud Professional Cloud Architect Certification Exam
[Solved] How to reverse a String in place in Java? Example
How to send HTTP Request from a Java Program - Example Tutorial
Difference between static initializer block vs instance initializers in Java? Example
In Java, you can initialize member variables or fields in the same line you declare, in the constructor, or inside an initializer block. There are two types of initializer blocks in Java, static initializer block to initialize static variables and instance initializer block to initialize non-static fields. As the name suggests, the main difference is their purpose, instance initializer block if for instance variables, and static initializer block is for static variables. Another key difference between them is the time of execution.
How to validate phone numbers in Java? Google libphonenumber library Example Tutorial
How to convert String to int or Integer data type in Java? Example Tutorial
3 ways to Convert Integer to String in Java [Example]
Difference between private and final class, method, and variables in Java?
What is InstanceOf keyword in Java [Example Tutorial]
Difference between trustStore vs keyStore in Java SSL
SQL Join Tutorial - How to use JOIN Multiple Tables in SQL query? MySQL Example
Hello guys, if you are wondering how to join multiple tables in SQL to produce a combine result which contains columns from all tables but not sure how to do it then you have come to the right place. SQL Join is one of the basic concepts while working in databases or tables but yet less understood and most confusing topic for beginners and even intermediate developers. I compare Joins in SQL with Recursion in programming in terms of confusion because I have found that these two topics are special in their nature and you can't get it right with casual reading until you understand the concept and its various well. Things get worse when the table locked due to such SQL Join queries which were fired without knowing how much time it would and how big the result set could be.